Register now and save $500!
Early bird discount ends soon!

3-Day In-person retreat

Refresh & Recharge Your Business Vision & Ceo identity

So you can take your business to the next level of success and enjoy pursuing the call God has put in your heart!

You want to work ON your business instead of just IN it

but when it comes to how to do that you fell stuck, right?


It's hard to see the forest for the trees!

You began your business with dreams of it providing financial and time freedom, but these days you might describe it as more of a financial and time suck. You're so caught up in keeping all the plates spinning you find it nearly impossible to envision your dream business, much less figure out how to make that vision a reality.

It all seems so overwhelming...

and you're on the verge of burnout.

Fear & Self-Doubt

start to rise up and get in the way

Creating a business that makes the impact you know God is calling you to make will require you to venture well out of your comfort zone and do things you've never done. That fills you with anxiety and questions like "Who am I to do this?" Reacting to the flood of self-doubt, you let your vision fade and instead play small and safe. You keep doing what you've been doing —and getting the results you've been getting instead of creating the business of your dreams.

You're the bottleneck

not the visionary leading the way

You believe the lies your brain offers you. You know, the ones like "No one can do things as well as I can" "My clients won't accept support from anyone but me." So you cap your own potential success because you think you need to do it all yourself instead of building a team to support your business vision.

Settling for the status quo

feels safer, though less satisfying

Going for your dream means not only how how you run your business needs to change, but YOU will need to change, too. Navigating the unknowns on your own feels daunting. So, your fear holds you hostage to doing what feels safe and familiar instead of allowing yourself to dream and plan for the business you truly want.

I get it

and there's a perfect solution

to crafting—and realizing—your vision for your business

and yourself as ceo!

When I first started my business back in 2014, it looked nothing like what it does today. And today's business looks very different from my vision for my company (and life) 3 years from now. That used to discourage me. Not it motivates and excites me.

All the tactics and strategies in the world won't change your business until you change your identity as the business owner!

That was my big epiphany a couple years ago. And once I began to work on my CEO identity, things began to change in my business vision and how I began to show up in my business each day.

I began to lean into the calling I felt God had instilled in my heart. I learned how to let go of perfectionism and change my relationship with trying something and failing at first. And my new relationship with imperfection and failure set me free to dream bigger and take courage action to make my dreams my reality.

I now know that my business can only grow to the level I grow. Now, I prioritize making time to work on my business vision as well as my identity as the visionary CEO of my business.

And I'd love to share the highlights of my process with you!


Imagine what your business and life will be like when you step fully into the role God has called you to as CEO of your business!

just think of the lives you will impact, the freedom you'll create for yourself and others, and the Joy & peace you'll feel when you make your vision your reality

Join me near Austin, Texas for

the refresh & recharge ceo retreat

November 2-4, 2022*

Over 3 glorious days, you'll gather with other high-integrity business owners to work ON your business and your identity as the CEO of your company. You'll leave with:

  • A clear vision for your dream business.

  • A simple, straight-forward (and repeatable) process for realizing your business vision.

  • The mindset shifts to fuel the achievement of your dream business WITHOUT hustling yourself into burnout or letting discouragement send you into procrastination mode.

  • Plus, some fun and relaxation along the way with other business owners who get what running a small business is like.


day 0 - check in


Come get to know your fellow participants over appetizers and drinks from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm followed by a casual dinner and a stroll around the historic town square.

  • If you're staying on site, you can check in anytime after 5 pm

    If you're staying off-site, get settled at your place then join us at the AirBnB anytime after 5 pm.

    Accommodations on-site are available while rooms remain available. There is an additional charge of $50/night.

day 1 - setting our sights


In a space of grace and truth, we'll connect with your core values and refresh & recharge your vision of both your business and your CEO identity.

  • Discover a step-by-step process for identifying your core values so you can create a vision aligned with what is most important to you.

    Dream a BIG, specific vision for what your business will be in 3 years.

    Uncover your current identity and identify what shifts are needed to step into the identity of your future self who is running your dream business in the future.

  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided.



Together, we'll map out exactly what you need to do to make your vision a reality.

  • Leverage the experience and wisdom of the group to brainstorm action steps.

    Identify potential obstacles that might trip you up and develop strategies for overcome them so you don't get stuck.

    Create your roadmap to realizing your dream business, including having your first month of result-creating action planned on your calendar.

  • Learn how to get on-going support like you've experienced at the retreat to support and encourage you every step of the way along your roadmap to success.

  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided.

day 3 - renew your mind


A transformed business begins with a renewed mind! So our focus on Day 3 will be cultivating the beliefs that will fuel the actions that produce your visionary results.

  • We'll equip you with customized thoughts that will generate feelings of motivation, determination and commitment so you can implement your action plan without relying on willpower and pressure.

    Our special closing ceremony will send you on your way feeling supported, encouraged and empowered!

  • Breakfast and lunch provided. Gather with your new friends for dinner at one of the nearby restaurants or opt for reflection time on your own.

day 4 - CHECK OUT


You'll leave for home with a clear vision, action and belief plans for achieving it, and new friends to support and encourage you along the way!

  • If you're staying on site, you'll need to check out by 10 am.

Make time to work ON your business with us and you'll reap

more than a vision & plan

you'll also leave with...


A Supportive Community

Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely journey. But you won't go it alone after this retreat. The connections you make here will support you as you take courageous action to make your vision a realty.


A repeatable Process for Success

You'll go home with a process for casting a vision, creating an action plan and cultivating empowering beliefs. You can use this same process with any area of your life you want to take to the next level!


I felt overwhelmed. I was dropping balls left and right, disappointing everyone and driving myself completely insane.

After coaching with Laura, my business is thriving, my most important relationships are getting the attention they deserve, and I'm enjoying my life on a whole new level!

Cameron Amthor, Salon Owner, Wife & Mom

Stop getting in your own way and


with a refreshed & recharged vision and identity!

Because this is a small, intimate retreat, participation is by invite only.

If you're interested in attending, please submit an application and book a chat with me. If we both believe it's a perfect fit, I'll invite you to reserve your spot by making payment on the call.

First Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Second Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Third Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Fourth Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

First Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Second Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Third Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Fourth Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

3-Year Dream Business Vision

Empowered CEO Identity

Action & Belief Plans to Achieve Your Vision

Supportive & Encouraging Community

Save $500 if you reserve your spot by October 7!

Regular Price = $1,500

Early Bird Price = $1,000

Your Investment = $1,000

i'll make it risk free

If You Don't Love It, I'll Give You A Refund

I’m so confident that this retreat will refresh and recharge your vision for your business and your identity as the visionary CEO of your company that I am guaranteeing it! If you come and participate and don’t feel it was worth every penny of your ticket price, you can let me know and I’ll give you a refund. I’m ready to do my part, you need to be all in as well. I won’t provide refunds for no shows or if you don’t actively participate in the exercises. But if you do show up and give it your best and still don’t believe the experience was worth the ticket price, just let me know and I’ll give you a refund.



I've experienced a significant increase in my online business revenue and am helping more dogs and dog owners.

Before coaching with Laura I had multiple big issues and didn't really know where to start. I knew on some level my thoughts were not serving me, but I couldn't change them. Laura guided me through a simple process (without judgment) that helped me shift my thinking and process my doubts and fears.

Now I feel light, energized and focused. I'm spending more time on things that matter so I'm creating more income and impact.

Denise Mazzola, Owner of Everything Dog


I've been able to dramatically reduce the hours I work which has given me the freedom to spend more time with my family, go on vacations and pursue hobbies I'm passionate about.

And I was able to work less without negatively impacting my bottom line! I felt so empowered and encouraged every single step of the way. I never felt judged. We tackled my fears, anxiety and so many things! I can happily say that right now I am so at peace.

JoJo Husain, Business Strategist


It's amazing what coaching with Laura can do for you!

Doubt and insecurity kept me stuck as I began setting up my coaching practice. I had recently completed my Master's Degree and Life Coach Certification and was struggling to integrate my training with my Christian values. I knew I needed to invest in myself and I knew Laura was the right person to help me.

After coaching with Laura, I not only had a beautiful website up and running, I had a new mindset. I changed my thinking in so many areas—especially regarding what other people think about me.

Viviane Meneghin, Cross Cultural Coach

Romans 12:2 makes clear

TRANSFORMATION comes from a renewed mind

This retreat will kick start your transformation.

God made us relational beings...

Community & Support

are essential to thriving in business & life.

Your business can only grow to the level your identity allows. If your current identity has you playing small and safe, come refresh & recharge your belief in yourself as the visionary CEO your business needs!

Come meet some new biz besties who will not only encourage you but who can offer you insight and wisdom from their unique life and business experience.

Make time to be still and

Hear from God

what your next right step is.

Intentional time for

Rest & Relaxation

are essential for a burnout-proof business

God has called you and equipped you for a unique purpose in his kingdom plan. While it can be hard to hear is voice guiding you in the noisy day-to-day hustle, it becomes easier to access his guidance in the quiet and intentional space of a retreat like this.

The world glorifies hustle and over-working and prioritizes money goals over a holistic and holy approach to pursuing one's calling and creating income and impact. Come discover how to go all in on following God's call to serve others without losing sight of your core values and priorities.

summarize what sort of


happened because of your offer

List out examples that helps your prospect see themselves after they’ve used your product. Help them to see the Cause and Effect your offer can have on their lives.

summarize what sort of


happened because of your offer

List out examples that helps your prospect see themselves after they’ve used your product. Help them to see the Cause and Effect your offer can have on their lives.

summarize what sort of


happened because of your offer

List out examples that helps your prospect see themselves after they’ve used your product. Help them to see the Cause and Effect your offer can have on their lives.


Early Bird pricing ends October 7.

Only 4 spots remain available!

Stop getting in your own way and


with a refreshed & recharged vision and identity!

Because this is a small, intimate retreat, participation is by invite only.

If you're interested in attending, please submit an application and book a chat with me. If we both believe it's a perfect fit, I'll invite you to reserve your spot by making payment on the call.

First Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Second Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Third Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Fourth Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

First Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Second Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Third Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Fourth Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

3-Year Dream Business Vision

Empowered CEO Identity

Action & Belief Plans to Achieve Your Vision

Supportive & Encouraging Community

Save $500 if you reserve your spot by October 7!

Regular Price = $1,500

Early Bird Price = $1,000

Your Investment = $1,000

summarize what sort of


happened because of your offer

List out examples that helps your prospect see themselves after they’ve used your product. Help them to see the Cause and Effect your offer can have on their lives.



What airport should I fly into?

The retreat will be in my hometown, Georgetown, Texas. This is a suburb of Austin. You'll fly into the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.


How far from the airport is the venue?

Georgetown is about 35 minutes from ABIA. You can take an Uber, Lyft or taxi if you aren't renting a car.


Where can I stay?

There are a number of hotels and short-term rental options in Georgetown. I will supply participants with a list of nearby hotels in various price ranges. As of now, all of the on site rooms are booked. Let me know on your application call if you want to be notified if one becomes available.


What meals are included and when will they occur?

A light breakfast will be served on Days 1-4. Lunch will be provided on Days 1-3. Dinner will be provided on Days 0-2. The evening of Day 3 will be free time and dinner on your own or with your new friends. The timing of meals will be provided with the detailed agenda to all participants prior to arrival. If you have any special considerations around meal timing, just let me know.


What if I have dietary restrictions or food allergies?

After registration, all participants will have the opportunity to share any dietary restrictions or considerations. Then I will plan our meals and snacks accordingly.


What else is there to do before or after the retreat?

Our location will be 30 minutes from downtown Austin and 1 hour and 15 minutes from Waco (home of Chip & Joanna's Fixer Upper Silo complex). There's plenty of sightseeing opportunities in either area if you want to come early or stay after the retreat for a vacation. If you want additional recommendations, just ask me!


What if I have a question not covered here?

Either ask me your question on your application call or shoot me an email at and I'll do my best to get you an answer.

ask yourself,

How will my business & life be better when I have a refreshed & recharged CEO identity and vision?

If you're ready to harness the power of coaching and community to create a clear and powerful vision for your business and visionary CEO identity, but you're not quite sure how to do that or it feels overwhelming to figure out on your own, come join us in a fun space of grace and truth November 1 - 3 and get your vision and identity refreshed and recharged!

I'll see you on your application call!

Blessings of truth and grace,

Stop getting in your own way and


with a refreshed & recharged vision and identity!

Because this is a small, intimate retreat, participation is by invite only.

If you're interested in attending, please submit an application and book a chat with me. If we both believe it's a perfect fit, I'll invite you to reserve your spot by making payment on the call.

First Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Second Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Third Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Fourth Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

First Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Second Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Third Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Fourth Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

3-Year Dream Business Vision

Empowered CEO Identity

Action & Belief Plans to Achieve Your Vision

Supportive & Encouraging Community

Save $500 if you reserve your spot by October 7!

Regular Price = $1,500

Early Bird Price = $1,000

Your Investment = $1,000

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