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The "Motivation Myth" And Why It's Eroding Your Self-Confidence

January 21, 20233 min read

Many entrepreneurs start the year full of motivation but by February are already losing momentum or have quit. It’s normal but not necessary when you have the right fuel for your actions.

Why Motivated, Excited and Inspired Aren’t The Answer

Exasperated entrepreneurs believe they need to feel motivated, excited or inspired to successfully take action on their goals. And while those emotions can be rocketfuel for action-taking, they also tend to evaporate when we come up against obstacles.

That’s when feelings like fear, resistance and doubt take over. At that point most people rely on willpower and negative self-talk to get themselves to take action while feeling the negative emotions.

Not. Helpful. At. All.

This approach depletes your energy, erodes your self-confidence, and destroys your momentum. And THAT is why most people give up and settle for playing smaller and safer.

More Useful Emotions For Sticking With Your Goals

Empowered entrepreneurs fuel their pursuit of success with three very different emotions: compassion, curiosity and willingness.

I know, they don’t sound as sexy as motivated, excited or inspired, but they are vastly more useful when you hit the inevitable challenges.

Compassion Is The Foundation For Growth

Compassion lets you hold space for yourself to fail on the way to achieving your goals. In compassion, you can be patient when you make mistakes or don’t get the result you were going for.

Compassion makes it safe to try new things, fail, learn and keep going (which is the recipe for long-term success).


A foundation of compassion allows you to cultivate curiosity instead of criticism. Or, as Ted Lasso would say, “Be curious, not judgmental.”

Ted Lasso throwing darts with words saying Be curious not judgmental.

Curiosity leads to new ideas, strategies, and actions that propel you toward your desired outcome—even if you experience temporary setbacks.

Willingness To Act in the Face of Fear, Overwhelm and Resistance

Once you have compassion and curiosity working for you, it becomes easy to generate a willingness to take action.

And willingness is the way around resistance, fear and overwhelm.

It can be hard to generate motivation and excitement when faced with setbacks. But willingness is much more accessible and keeps us in action-taking mode through the “messy middle”of the journey to achieving our goals.

Tips To Cultivate Compassion, Curiosity and Willingness

Try asking yourself empowering questions/thoughts to help you cultivate compassion, curiosity and willingness.

Here’s a few templates to get you started…

  • Why is it understandable that [negative result, feeling or behavior]. (For example, "Why is it understandable that I feel scared in this situation?" "Why is it understandable that I got 5 optins instead of the 50 I had thought I would get?"

  • What can I learn from this?

  • I wonder… (For example, "I wonder how I could do this better next time." "I wonder what might happen if I try X, Y or Z." or "I wonder what else could be another way to interpret these facts.")

  • I’m open to trying this because [compelling reason why you set the goal].

  • I’m willing to take this risk/action knowing I will either get the result I want or I’ll learn something that will help me get that result next time.

Try these out and let me know how fueling your action with compassion, curiosity and willingness helps you create momentum. You can contact me through the Contact page on this website or DM me on Instagram @LauraNaiser or message me on Facebook.

quitting on your goalsmanaging your emotionsuseful emotions for taking actionovercoming overwhelmovercoming fearovercoming resistance
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I've experienced a significant increase in my online business revenue and am helping more dogs and dog owners.

Before coaching with Laura I had multiple big issues and didn't really know where to start. I knew on some level my thoughts were not serving me, but I couldn't change them.

Laura guided me through a simple process (without judgment) that helped me shift my thinking and process my doubts and fears.

Now I feel light, energized and focused. I'm spending more time on things that matter so I'm creating more income and impact.

Denise Mazzola, Owner of Everything Dog


I've been able to dramatically reduce the hours I work which has given me the freedom to spend more time with my family, go on vacations and pursue hobbies I'm passionate about.

And I was able to work less without negatively impacting my bottom line!

I felt so empowered and encouraged every single step of the way. I never felt judged. We tackled my fears, anxiety and so many things!

I can happily say that right now I am so at peace.

JoJo Husain, Business Strategist


My business is thriving, my most important relationships are getting the attention they deserve, and I'm enjoying life on a whole new level!

Before coaching with Laura, I felt overwhelmed. I was dropping balls left and right, disappointing everyone and driving myself completely insane.

Laura helped me identify my priorities and provided a framework for taming my out-of-control schedule and beating back my burnout. She provided perspective and much needed clarity.

Quicker than I thought possible, I went from operating in crisis mode to a much more peaceful and productive life.

Cameron Amthor, Salon Owner, Wife & Mom

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It's amazing what coaching with Laura can do for you!

I felt stuck as I began setting up my coaching practice. Doubt and insecurity kept me from creating my website and putting myself out there to coach people.

I had recently completed my Master's Degree and Life Coach Certification and was struggling to integrate my training with my Christian values. I knew I needed to invest in myself and I knew Laura was the right person to help me.

After coaching with Laura, I not only had a beautiful website up and running, I had a new mindset. I changed my thinking in so many areas—especially regarding what other people think about me.

Viviane Meneghin, Cross Cultural Coach


Working with Laura changed the way I combat fears, embrace change and approach relationships. Life altering!

Laura helped me reframe the way I was envisioning my future so I could make strides toward realizing goals I didn't even know I had.

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God has put the dream of your business in your mind and heart for a reason!

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