Work With Me

Experience the power of coaching to help you create more income, impact and freedom.

Click the buttons to explore the different ways to work with me.


Workshops & Retreats

Whether virtual or in person you can count on discovering life and business changing concepts, skills and connections. These events offer a combination of teaching, coaching and fellowship in a group setting.

Try out one of my free workshops to experience the power of coaching in a group setting. When you're ready to take your transformation to the next level, register for a paid workshop or retreat.

You'll be amazed at how quickly you can create breakthroughs in your business and life. If you're ready to experience more freedom, peace and ease, one of these events could be just what you need.

FREE Workshop

how to stop overthinking

So You Can Create More

Income, Impact & Freedom!


Refresh & Recharge

CEO Retreat

2023 Date Coming Soon

Make your vision a reality with the

Dream to Done

Immersion Experience

The Dream to Done Immersion Experience offers a private coaching intensive tailor-made to give you clarity about the results you want to create and the action steps and mindset you need to take your vision from dream to done without floundering in indecision, confusion or overwhelm.

We begin with a FREE Breakthrough Session where we'll explore your dream outcome and the roadblocks that you have (or may) encounter in the process of taking that from vision to reality. Together, you and I will determine if the Dream to Done Immersion Experience is the right solution for empowering you to get your dream done. If so, we'll move forward with scheduling your Immersion Experience.

Here's What You Get with the Dream to Done Immersion Experience

  • Set Up For Success Preparation Guide

Based on your Breakthrough Session, I'll create a customized preparation guide that will help you clarify your vison for both your immersion experience and the specific dream or transformation you want to make a reality in your business and life.

  • Your Dream to Done Immersion Coaching Intensive

Four hours of private coaching which may be scheduled virtually over Zoom or in person at my Georgetown, Texas office.

This coaching intensive will give you:

  • clarity about your vision and a clear and compelling reason for making your dream a reality.
  • the ability to reveal and resolve roadblocks that stand in the way of you realizing your dream.
  • a timeline for creating your dream outcome without requiring you to work crazy hours or burn yourself out.
  • the actions and new beliefs necessary for making your dream a reality.
  • Your Dream to Done Breakthrough Blueprint

This document will summarize the insights and breakthroughs from your coaching intensive. It will provide a step-by-step action and belief plan for getting your dream done in the timeline established in the coaching session. You'll know exactly what to put on your calendar each week to bring your dream to reality.

Are you ready to experience the power of

Private Coaching

to renew your mind and transform your results?

If you're looking for the personalized support and attention you just can't get inside a big group coaching program or course, private coaching is the perfect option. No keeping your fingers crossed you get called on for a hot seat. No floundering to implement the concepts taught on video. You'll have my eyes, ears and expertise on just you! I'll help you identify and break through those mental and emotional roadblocks that are keeping you from creating the results you know God is calling you to.

While I specialize in coaching business owners, private coaching provides an option for non-entrepreneurs as well. Check out the brief description of my two private coaching programs below. To explore if we're a good client-coach fit and discuss which program would best meet your needs, just apply for a free Breakthrough Session using the button below.

6-Months of Support

The Empowered Mind

This program is open to entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs wanting the personalized support of meeting one-on-one twice a month. You'll also have Voxer access to me in between your sessions. And I'll supply you with resources such as meditations, guided journaling and supplemental trainings that I believe will be helpful to you.

Annual Signature Program

The Empowered Entrepreneur

If you're a business owner looking for private coaching as well as opportunities to connect with other entrepreneurs, this program is for you. We kick off your year of support with a Dream to Done Immersion experience where you'll gain clarity about your business and personal goals as well as how you'll achieve them. Twice a month we will meet for private coaching to keep you moving forward and break through any obstacles that come up. Plus, you get Voxer support for questions and challenges in between sessions as well as supplemental resources such as meditations, guided journaling workbooks and supplemental trainings that I believe will be helpful to you.

Apply for a FREE Breakthrough Session To Explore If Coaching Is For You!

God has put the dream of your business in your mind and heart for a reason!

Don't let fear, frustration and self-doubt stop you from living out your purpose and helping those you're called to serve.

It's time to start renewing your mind so you can transform your business and life in a meaningful way.


Choose how you like to learn: watch videos, listen to the private podcast while on the go, or read the transcripts. Plus, the Bonus workbook will help you quickly and easily put the concepts you learn into action right away!

Take this FREE mini-course and discover how to break free from your patterns of procrastination so you can confidently take needle-moving action!

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